Thessaloniki Polypropylene Plant

Thessaloniki, Greece
Energy & Industrial // Natural Gas & Petrochemical Projects

Mild Hydrocracker Unit for Hellenic Petroleum

Energy & Industrial // Natural Gas & Petrochemical Projects

Crude Oil Refining Unit for Hellenic Petroleum

Aspropyrgos, Greece
Energy & Industrial // Natural Gas & Petrochemical Projects

Naphtha Isomerisation Unit 4600

Aspropyrgos Refinery, Greece
Energy & Industrial // Natural Gas & Petrochemical Projects

PET production plant for VPI

Energy & Industrial // Natural Gas & Petrochemical Projects

Benzene Saturation Unit (U-4800)

Aspropyrgos Refinery, Greece
Energy & Industrial // Natural Gas & Petrochemical Projects

Tank Farm Aspropyrgos

Aspropyrgos, Greece
Energy & Industrial // Natural Gas & Petrochemical Projects

Propylene spheres & Cooling systems

Aspropyrgos Refinery, Greece
Energy & Industrial // Natural Gas & Petrochemical Projects

Interconnecting Works between the Unit 3400 (UDSU) and 2750 (SRU)

Energy & Industrial // Natural Gas & Petrochemical Projects