Renovation of Post Industrial buildings

Contract Value
Contract period
19/5/2005 - 5/2/2009

Renovation of Post Industrial buildings in Nowe Gliwice – Poland

Modernization, demolition, disassembly & construction works on the remaining four Post Industrial buildings after the coal mine of “Gliwice” closed down, of external works net areas totaling 20.154m2 &162.000m2.

The four buildings are as follows :

1. Rector s Building: area 675m2, volume 2.380m3,
2. Didactic building : area 2.331+105m2, volume 12.061+382m3,
3. University building : area 9.042 m2, volume 55.000m3,
4. Incubator building : area 7.971m2, volume 55.913m3.

The external works and installations are as follows: approx. 1.950m of external roads, approx. 2.951 sewers, approx. 4.632m of power supply line constructed, approx. 23.285m2 of outdoor parking areas.
