Construction of a new wing at Sismanoglio General Hospital

Athens, Greece
Civil Engineering // Hospitals

Veterinary Clinic at the Olympic Equestrian Centre

Markopoulo, Greece
Civil Engineering // Hospitals

Vioiatriki Diagnostics and Private Clinic

Athens, Greece
Civil Engineering // Hospitals

Sohar General Hospital

Sohar, Oman
Civil Engineering // Hospitals

Agrinion General Hospital

Civil Engineering // Hospitals

Agioi Anargyroi Anticancer Hospital

Agios Anargyros, Greece
Civil Engineering // Hospitals

Onassis Cardiological Centre

Kallithea, Athens, Greece
Civil Engineering // Hospitals

Hospital & Underground Car Park

Doha, Qatar
Civil Engineering // Hospitals

Vostanis Hospital

Mytilene, Greece
Civil Engineering // Hospitals