Notice of Regulated Information
Notice of Regulated Information on Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities, as per Regulation (EU) 596/2014
AVAX SA (the “Company”) announces, according to Regulation (EU) 596/2014 and the notification received on 18.03.2025 from Mr Anthony Mitzalis, Executive Director of the Company, that Mr Anthony Mitzalis on 17.03.2025 participated in a transaction indirectly related to Company shares.
More specifically, Mr Anthony Mitzalis on 17.03.2025 acquired shares corresponding to a minority stake (hence not providing control as per Law 3556/2007) of 33.34% of the share capital of Cyprus-based company Honeysuckle Properties Ltd., which directly holds a total of 11,133,500 shares of the Company and the corresponding voting rights, representing a percentage of 7.506% of total voting rights of the Company. The value of the 11,133,500 shares of the Company (€24,215,362.50), referred to in this notification, is based on the closing price of Company shares on the Athens Stock Exchange on the previous trading day.
Marousi, March 18, 2025
The Board of Directors